DEV 035 Cloud DevOps Basics for Application Developers
Cloud-Native Application Development
Learn to use the tools of modern developers!
This course provides a comprehensive survey of open source tools and fundamental software development principles that are useful for anyone interested in a DevOps, SRE, or "FullStack" developer career.
During this course, you will understand how modern DevOps tools simplify the automated deployment of infrastructure, testing of code in the development process, and final deployment of that code as a running application.
Starting with a baseline consideration of the challenges that manual deployments pose to DevOps development processes, we'll quickly move to look at automating the process of infrastructure deployment. Terraform will be used to demonstrate automating a private OpenStack IaaS cloud system deployment. Then, we'll use the Ansible compliance tool to automate the deployment of an application on the system we've just created.
Next, we'll look at how automation improves development efficiency by leveraging a Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process to automate your application testing and deployment on the infrastructure you've created, using the open source Travis CI tool.
Finally, we'll look at how the use of Docker containers is changing these processes (and how they stay the same) in a world where virtual machines (VMs) and bare metal servers still have relevance...but are seeing different roles in application and infrastructure deployment.
Module 1 Introduction
Module 1 - IT Supported Application Deployment
Screencast preface
Module 1 - Screencast
Module 2 - IaaS Supported Application Installation
Module 2 - Terraform Preface
Module 2 - Screencast 1 Terraform
Module 2 -Terraform Supplementary Material
Module 2 - Ansible Preface
Module 2 - Screencast 2 Ansible
Module 2 - Ansible Supplementary Material
Module 3 Introduction
Module 3 - Understanding Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Module 3 - Screencast 1 CI with Travis-CI
Module 3 - Travis CI ScreenCast - Supplementary Material
Module 4 Introduction
Module 4 - Application Shift for Cloud and Containerization
Module 4 ScreenCast - Containerizing our Application
Module 4 ScreenCast - Supplemental Material
Course Summary
Next Steps