KUB 100 Kubernetes Core Components for Cloud DevOps
The EASIEST way to get started with cloud computing
If you want to get started with cloud computing, you need to understand containers, and that means you MUST learn about the Kubernetes tool. This course will give you the essential foundation.
Containers have revolutionized the way that modern, cloud-native, web-scale applications are being built and run, and Kubernetes is the preeminent container orchestration/scheduling software being used to deploy and manage those applications.
The course begins with an overview of fundamental container concepts (definitions, architectures, function, and the Docker suite of tools). You will then learn about Kubernetes architecture and function, how Kubernetes stacks up to other tools, and, most importantly, how to use the software. During lab exercises, you will build your own Docker container application image and then use Kubernetes to deploy and scale containers running that application.
If you need to understand how this technology relates to the products you are developing, are developing cloud-native applications, or just want to be up to speed on the technology that is operating the cloud, this course will give you tactical experience with the technologies that increasingly underlie modern cloud-based infrastructures and applications.
Experience with Linux command line will be helpful, but is not required
Application Developers
Infrastructure Operators
Project Managers
Pre-Sales / Sale Engineers
Development Managers
KUB100 Overview
1A Containers Review, Introduction to Docker Containers
1A Docker Container - Review
1A Docker Basics - Lecture Slides
1B Working with Docker Containers
1B Working with Docker Containers - Lecture Slides
1B Working with Docker - Review
Lab 1.1 💻 Just Enough Docker
2A Kubernetes Architecture
2A Kubernetes Architecture - Review
2A Kubernetes-Architecture- Lecture Slides
LAB 2B Introduction - Working with Kubernetes
LAB 2.1 💻 Install Kubernetes with kubeadm (Vagrant Version)
2B Kubernetes Basic Install Lab Slides
LAB 2.2 💻 Launch an App with Kubernetes (Vagrant Version)
LAB 2.2 💻 Launch an Application with Kubernetes (Vagrant Version)
2C Launch an Application - Lecture Slides
LAB 2.3 💻 Deploying a Kubernetes cluster on GCP (Cloud Version)
Lab 2.4 💻 Launch an Application on Kubernetes in GCP(Cloud Version)
Lab 2.5 💻Deploying Kubernetes Cluster on Microsoft Azure (Cloud Version)
Lab 2.6 💻Deploying a Platform9 Kubernetes cluster on AWS
3 The Kubernetes Pod - a Supercontainer
3 Kubernetes Pods - Lecture Slides
3 Kubernetes Pods - Review
LAB 3.1 💻 Working with Pods (Vagrant Version)
LAB 3.2 💻 Working with Pods (Cloud Version)